Sep 2, 2010


I have been receiving numerous questions relating to the truth of this blog. Many people seem to believe that this is all some kind of elaborate prank, that the journal doesn't even exist. I thought I had explained all of that in my first entry. Yes, it will seem strange and unbelievable. When I had only read to this point, I was a little skeptical myself. It will become more clear later on. For now, just continue reading and enjoy it if you can. Here is the entry for the fifth day:

Stellas 18, 296 e.m.
Day 5,
We left late this morning. Kyrainna wanted me to get as much rest as possible before beginning the day's work. I rode in the wagon so that I did not have to handle the reigns of a horse. 

We reached Salindil a few hours before nightfall. I had heard that it was originally built by the elves, and that it was beautiful, but I hadn't known that a city could be so in touch by nature. There were no walls around that city. No fortifications at all. It would be easy to take with a good army, as humans had done so many years ago.  But the residents of Salindil were not concerned with war. There had not been fighting anywhere near Salindil since the Age of Blood. They thought only of the beauty of their town, and the pleasure of those within it.

The houses of Salindil seem to come right out of the trees around it, made of smooth, rich wood. They twist and turn and intertwine along the forest floor, making it seem as though there is a tangle of over sized roots all around. The entrance was a round hole, just big enough for me to fit through without bending over.
We found a sheltered area that was apparently used as a stable for the horses and the wagon. The main tunnel wound around the whole city, with other marked openings leading to people's homes or shops. It was lit by softly glowing flowers placed in strategic locations along the walls and ceiling. We walked until we spotted the entrance with the word "Inn" above it.

I rented rooms for me and my companions, then sat down at one of the round, stump-like tables to order our food and drink. When I asked the innkeeper what the name of the place was, he just chuckled and said, "Around here we just call it 'the Inn.'"

Finally, I am resting comfortably in an actual bed. Now, I am going to sleep in an actual bed. Goodnight.

Aigon Silverwind,
Still Hurt but Comfortable

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